List of Profiled papers for Piezotne inks, using the Piezography BW ICC system


Below is the list of profiled papers for the Piezography BW ICC system, for all combinations of PiezoTone inks. The eight PiezoTone ink sets are:


Warm Neutral with Portfolio Black

Warm Neutral with Museum Black

Cool Neutral with Portfolio Black

Cool Neutral with Museum Black

Carbon Sepia with Portfolio Black

Carbon Sepia with Museum Black

Selenium Tone with Portfolio Black

Selenium Tone with Museum Black



List of profiled papers:


Legion Concorde Rag

Eclipse Soft White Satine

Eclipse Soft White Watercolor

Epson Enhanced Matte

Epson Heavyweight Matte

Epson Smooth Fine Art

Epson Velvet Fine Art

Hahnemuhle Albrecht Durer

Hahnemuhle Allegreto

Hahnemuhle German Etching

Hahnemuhle Photo Matte

Hahnemuhle Photo Rag

Hahnemuhle William Turner

Hahnemuhle Torchon

Illford Fine Art

Legion Photo Matte

Somerset Enhanced Textured

Somerset Enhanced Velvet


Additional papers may be profiled by purchasing iQuads custom BW ICC profiles